


For bathing and showering, use our unisex shaving/bath soap or one of our liquid shower soaps. 

There are three main skin cleaning products for acne

  1. Pre Wash solution
  2. Exfoliant Cream contains ellagic acid to protect your skin and minerals to feed your skin.
  3. Cleansing Cream is a soothing revitalizing cream

Both creams hydrate, reduce the appearance of wrinkles, make your skin luminescence, and deep clean your skin.

In the beginning, it's important to be aggressive and use all three.

First, use the following instructions with the exfoliant cream--it's gritty and it's purpose is to remove dead skin and debris and then follow up with the cleansing cream. After the skin has improved, you only need to use one of the creams--whichever one you like best.

  1. Apply Pre-wash solution to affected area followed immediately by Acne Exfoliating Cream.
  2. Massage in the cream until the whiteness disappears
  3. Apply more Pre-wash solution and massage affected skin. The whiteness will return without applying any more cream. Massage again until whiteness disappears.
  4. You can repeat the above step again, if desired until no whiteness appears after pre-wash is applied and skin massaged.

This means all of the cream has been absorbed into the deeper levels of your skin.

Internally: Recommended to take one tablespoon daily of apple cider vinegar on empty stomach to alkalize your system. Use organic with mother for best results.